NS TTL Discrepancy??

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard J.deBoynePollard at Tesco.NET
Sat Mar 6 15:03:16 UTC 2004

RSP> This is what appears to be a recently discovered problem.  

It's not recently discovered, and it's not a problem.

RSP> [...] If this happens, the DNS resolver knows to go to
RSP> ns1.example.com and ns2.example.com, but it now can't get 
RSP> to them.  The problem is that to get the A record for
RSP> ns1.example.com and ns2.example.com, the DNS resolver must 
RSP> go to the NS records for example.com -- but, it can't get 
RSP> to them without the A record, and you're stuck in a loop.

This is why we have "additional" section processing, "glue" resource record
sets, and fallback to the nearest enclosing superdomain whose content DNS
servers are known.  Far from being recently discovered, this chicken-and-egg
problem was addressed in RFC 1034.

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