'Blackholing' certain domains

/dev/rob0 rob0 at gmx.co.uk
Mon Mar 8 21:37:06 UTC 2004

On Monday 08 March 2004 14:29, Jason wrote:
> working great (Better than expected really :) ).

Yes, I'm a BIND newbie myself, and have been surprised at how much I
like BIND. :)

> Anyway, I want to block certain domains so my users can't get to
> certain services, specifically IM stuff.
> I was curious what the best way is to go about doing this. Obviously,

I think I posted about this a month or 2 ago.

> you need to create a zone file, but what should the contents of the
> zone file be?

First the config file. Here's one I have:
zone "gator.com" { type master; notify no; file "null.zone"; };
Repeat for all other zones you want to block. I save this one as
/etc/named.blacklist, which is brought in via an "include" statement.
It's good to keep this kind of thing modular IMO. I update this file on
the master, and the slave checks a TXT record hourly. If that's changed
from the previous hour it knows to go get the new blacklist.

> Anything I should put in the zone file to block it? Maybe leave it
> blank?

Here's the "null.zone" file:
; BIND db file for ad servers - point all addresses to internal IP
; Originally for use with the list of ad server hostnames at:
;       http://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/
;  - pgl at yoyo.org
;  (adapted by rob0 at gmx.co.uk)

$TTL 86400      ; one day

@       IN      SOA     ns.your.ns.      hostmaster.your.ns. (
                        2004012000      ; serial number YYMMDDNN
                        28800           ; refresh  8 hours
                        7200            ; retry    2 hours
                        864000          ; expire  10 days
                        86400 )         ; min ttl  1 day

                        NS      ns.your.ns.
*               IN      A

You'd of course have to change the details in there: IP address and NS
and SOA records. The yoyo guy had it pointing to localhost, but since
we use this to detect spyware I wanted to use an internal server's IP.
All the infected machines dutifully connect to regularly.
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