Alexander Widera alexander.widera at s2003.tu-chemnitz.de
Thu Mar 11 12:06:02 UTC 2004

Ok ... another try ...
this is in my named.conf

key mydomain.com. {
        algorithm HMAC-MD5;
        secret "lksdfifwiefiomawmfawmopaisemfaweplfapew,paefwlö,23?==";

zone "mydomain.com" in {
        type master;
        allow-update { key mydomain.com.; };
        file "mydomain.com.zone";

This is all correct, isn't it?
I tried some updates for this domain with nsupdate directly on my server ...
and they were succesfull.
I used the -k parameter and the key-file to start nsupdate..
But at the end I don't want to use nsupdate ... i tried now something else
than DynSite ...
DirectControl ... there is written that it supports Bind-Servers ...
And it seams that it does....
Everytime i try to make an update, i get the error "DNS server error:
Invalid TSIG signature. Check your secret key and retry - 15586" ...
but I think I used the correct key ... and keydata
the key is the domain with a dot at the end .... and the keydata is for
example "lksdfifwiefiomawmfawmopaisemfaweplfapew,paefwlö,23?=="

But why doesn't it work?
Does someone knows other update software, which i can use? Or can me say
whats wrong?

Thanks Alex

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