MX priority mechanism question

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard J.deBoynePollard at Tesco.NET
Sun May 2 12:13:52 UTC 2004

BM> [An SMTP Relay client] should try all the mail exchangers.  

... but is permitted to give up after trying a certain 
(administrator-specified) number.

BM> The retry should start again with the first mail exchanger.

False.  The selection of the initial SMTP Relay server is required to be made 
at random from the set of equal-preference SMTP Relay servers.  Transport 
attempts will not try all of the SMTP Relay servers in the same order every 

BM> I think you should be asking your question in a mail-related
BM> newsgroup (e.g. comp.mail.misc if there is such a thing).

There certainly seems to be.  (-:



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