SOA and NS are canonical records?

Christian Smith none at
Wed May 5 00:33:39 UTC 2004

In article <c79ab4$20ur$1 at>, "June" <nfbz2003 at> 

> thanks for the reply.
> Is there any reference says SOA and NS RRs both are canonical names? Or all
> RRs, except CNAME (alias), are canonical names, by definition?

In a CNAME record, the left side is the "alias" and the right side is 
the canonical name.

Grab you local Websters/Oxford's and look up "canonical".

With an SOA and an NS record, the left side is always a canonical name.

In an NS record the right side is also a canonical name.

Obviously the right hand side of an SOA is neither a canonical name nor 
an alias.

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