Dynamic DNS error

/dev/rob0 rob0 at gmx.co.uk
Mon May 17 20:22:38 UTC 2004

On Saturday 15 May 2004 14:04, David Gonzalez wrote:
>   First  PING...  as  i  haven't  seen  and don't know why my msgs
> are ignored/not answered/getting there

I had replied to a similar message shortly before yours:
You perhaps are not reading the whole list? I thought I had replied to
your post as well, but if I sent it, I can't find it.

Anyway, I am CC'ing this in the hope that you might see it ... maybe
you've got some spam-filtering process which is keeping list mail from
reaching you.

And like the previous poster, who also seems not to have seen my reply,
I really think you will be happier with dnsmasq, although I am unsure
if it supports dynamic DNS. I think it should be simple enough to
maintain a single /etc/hosts file that you would not miss DDNS.

> May 15 14:04:16 xaero dhcpd: if zorlag.tuxcafe.lan IN A rrset
> doesn't exist add zorlag.tuxcafe.lan 43200 IN A not
> a zone.  

This error suggests that dhcpd is trying to add a record to a zone
which does not exist in your configuration.

> I changed my configs as described here:
> http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/DNSDHCP.html#id2598369

Hmmm, interesting. Thanks for the link. I like how it tries to explain
DNS issues to Windows people, who are often hopelessly confused as a
result of their OS addiction. :)

I don't know why it has the "forward first;" option set. That seems
odd. But this in dhcpd.conf definitely will NOT work:
    ddns-update-style ad-hoc;
In your earlier post you had shown "interim;" which is the correct
choice (well, I should say I don't know much about it all, but that's
what works for me.)

> cat /etc/named.conf
> options {
>         directory "/var/lib/named";
>         listen-on-v6 { any; };

Don't mess with IPv6 until you have IPv4 working. :)

>         notify no;
>         auth-nxdomain yes;
>         listen-on { any; };

Not needed. Simply things as much as possible until it works. Then read
your "BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual" (you have it in nice HTML
format in your BIND package) to add on the good stuff later.

> zone "tuxcafe.lan" {
                    ^ IN
(I don't know if this matters or not.)

>         type master;
>         file "dyn/tuxcafe.lan";
>         allow-query { any; };
>         allow-transfer { any; };
>         allow-update { any; };

If dhcpd is running on the same machine, this should be "localhost;".

> cat /etc/dhcpd.conf
> xaero:/var/lib/named # cat /etc/dhcpd.conf
> ddns-updates on;
> ddns-domainname "tuxcafe.lan";

I don't have these in my dhcpd.conf.

> ddns-update-style ad-hoc;


> allow unknown-clients;
> default-lease-time 86400;
> max-lease-time 172800;
> option domain-name "tuxcafe.lan";
> option domain-name-servers;
> subnet netmask {
>         range dynamic-bootp;

A suggestion for ease of management: put your ranges on clean subnet
boundaries. I like a range of .128-.254 for a /24 net, so I can
address the whole range as x.x.x.128/25, for example. Do you need such
a large range? .128-.191 would be, 64 IP addresses.

Why is your nameserver IP inside the dynamic range?

>         option subnet-mask;
>         option routers;
>         allow unknown-clients;
> }
> xaero:/var/lib/named # cat dyn/tuxcafe.lan
> $TTL 38400
> tuxcafe.lan             IN SOA  ns.txucafe.lan. root. (

"root."? I don't suppose that would matter, though.

>                                 4          ; serial

Hmmm, I think I had trouble using serial numbers less than 10 digits,
but I cannot remember what the problem was.

>                                 86400      ; refresh (1 day)
>                                 7200       ; retry (2 hours)
>                                 3600000    ; expire (5 weeks 6 days
> 16 hours) 172800     ; minimum (2 days) )
>                         NS      ns.tuxcafe.lan.
>                         MX      0 mail.

"mail."? Only your MX, it won't matter, especially if you have no MTA
set up.

> $ORIGIN tuxcafe.lan.
> keel                    A
> xaero                   A

No "A" record for your NS ... ns.tuxcafe.lan. This would be a serious
error. Add this:
    ns                    A
It must be an "A" record and not a CNAME to xaero.

> What can i do?.

Look in the file where your *.warn syslog messages are going. Are you
getting any errors here?
    mail to this address is discarded unless "/dev/rob0"
    or "not-spam" is in Subject: header

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