Windows XP Resolver Question

Danny Mayer mayer at
Thu May 27 00:13:57 UTC 2004

At 06:10 PM 5/26/2004, tnaves at wrote:
>I can't get a good definition of some of the terms used in the Windows XP
>dns resolver.
>If my host is on a domain named my primary suffix will be
> right?  Now when I try to resolve a host name my unqualified
>name e.g., host, my resolver will append to the hostname and
>resolve it in dns.  Right?
>In Windows XP, where you put the Pirmary DNS suffix of this computer,
>there is a box that is labeled "Change primary DNS suffix when domain
>membership changes."  Does this refer to a Windows Domain?
>In the Advanced DNS settings by default, it is set to Append primary and
>connectin specific DNS suffixes.  What is a connection specific suffix?
>There is also a selection called Append parent suffixes of the primary DNS
>suffix.  This would only apply if I was in a subdomain such as
> correct?  Then if I try to resolve a hosname such as
>host then the resolver would first append mydept.mydomain
>( and failing that it would append
>( and try to resolve it.  Correct?
>Any advise will be appreciated.

My advice would be to post in a Windows newsgroup.

Not only does Windows have a resolver it also has caching: see DNS Client.


>Tom Naves

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