error when stopping bind-9.2.3rc4

Dave Lugo dlugo at
Mon Nov 8 23:43:20 UTC 2004


Generally sluggish performance, load on the box jumped from a normal .5 
to ~2.

The box this is running on:

Linux ns1 2.4.18-19.7.xsmp #1 SMP Thu Dec 12 07:56:58 EST 2002 i686 unknown

...and the error when stopping named:

# /etc/rc.d/init.d/named restart
Stopping named: hash.c:383: INSIST(hash != ((void *)0) && ((((hash)) != 
((void *)0)) && (((const isc__magic_t *)((hash)))->magic == ((('H') << 
24 | ('a') << 16 | ('s') << 8 | ('h')))))) failed.

I assume I'll need to upgrade :)  Is the above a known/fixed issue?

Dave Lugo   dlugo at    LC Unit #260   TINLC
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