Resolving locally hosted zones to trusted clients

Matt Goli mattgoli at
Thu Oct 28 19:53:35 UTC 2004

Greetings all:

I've setup a public BIND 9.2.2 server to host a number of zones for our 
companies domains based on Rob Thomas's "Secure BIND Template"

I have one view (external-in) setup to allow any device to query the 
public domains from this BIND server and am not allowing recursive 
lookups from public IPs.  I have a second view (internal-in) setup that 
performs recursive lookups for a ACL of "trusted" IP addresses, and 
that is working as expected.  My problem comes in when trusted IP 
addresses attempt to query a zone out of my "external-in" view.  I 
simply get a "connection timed out; no servers could be reached" when I 
dig from the trusted IP addresses.

So in summery, I can do the following from trusted ip address
	dig @

But cannot do:
	dig @

But from an untrusted IP I can do:
	dig @

Below is my named.conf file for reference.  Any feedback is greatly 

Thank you,

Matt Goli, MCP
Systems Support Group

F+W Publications, Inc.
Krause Publications, a division of F+W Publications, Inc.

// Declares control channels to be used by the rndc utility.
// It is recommended that be the only address used.
// This also allows non-privileged users on the local host to manage
// your name server.
acl "xfer" {
         // ALlow no transfers.  If we have other name servers, please 
them here.
acl "trusted" {
         // Please our internal and DMZ subnets in here so that intranet 
and DMZ
         // clients may send DNS queries.  This also prevents outside 
hosts from using
         // our name server as a resolver for other domains.;;;;;;;;;;
         localhost; // Self Explanatory
acl "bogon" {
         // Filter out the bogon networks.  These are networks listed by 
IANA as test
         // RFC 1918, Multicast, experimental, etc.  If you see DNS 
queries or updates
         // with a source address within these networks, this is likely 
of malicious
         // origin.  CAUTION:  If you are using RFC1918 netblocks on 
your network, remove
         // those netblocks from this list of blackhole ACLs!
		// ACL removed for this e-mailing.

key "rndc-key" {
         algorithm hmac-md5;
         secret <removed>

controls {
         inet port 54 allow {any; };
         inet port 953 allow {; } keys { "rndc-key"; 

options {
         directory "/var/named";
         pid-file "/var/named/";
         statistics-file "/var/named/named.stats";
         dump-file "/var/named/named.dump";
         zone-statistics yes;
         notify no;
         transfer-format many-answers;
         max-transfer-time-in 60;
         interface-interval 0;
         recursion false;
         version "Unknown";
         allow-transfer {
                 // Zone transfers limited to members of "xfer" ACL.

         allow-query {
                 // Accept queries from our "trusted" ACL."  We will 
allow anyone to query
                 // our master zones below. This prevents us from 
becoming a free DNS server
                 // to the masses.

         blackhole {
                 // Deny anything from the bogon networks as details in 
the "bogon" ACL.

          * If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want
          * to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source
          * directive below.  Previous versions of BIND always asked
          * questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 uses an unprivileged
          * port by default.
         // query-source address * port 53;

logging {
         channel _default_log  {
                 file "/Library/Logs/named.log";
                 severity debug;
                 print-time yes;

         channel audit_log {
                 // Send the security related messages to a seperate 
                 file "/Library/Logs/named_audit.log";
                 severity debug;
                 print-time yes;

         category default { _default_log; };
         category general { _default_log; };
         category security { _default_log; audit_log; };
         category config { _default_log; };
         category resolver { audit_log; };
         category xfer-in { audit_log; };
         category xfer-out { audit_log; };
         category notify { audit_log; };
         category client { audit_log; };
         category network { audit_log; };
         category update { audit_log; };
         category queries { audit_log; };
         category lame-servers { audit_log; };

view "internal-in" in {
         // Our internal (trusted) view.  We permit the internal networks
         // to freely access this view.  We perform recursion for our
         // internal hosts, and retrieve data from the cache for them.

         match-clients { trusted; };
         recursion yes;
         additional-from-auth yes;
         additional-from-cache yes;

         zone "." in {
                 // Link in the root server hint file.
                 type hint;
                 file "";

         zone "localhost" IN {
                 type master;
                 file "";
                 allow-update { none; };

         zone "" IN {
                 type master;
                 file "named.local";
                 allow-update { none; };
         zone "" IN {
                 type slave;
                 file "";
                 masters {; };

// Create a view for external DNS clients.
view "external-in" in {
         // Our external (untrustet) view.  We permit any client oto 
         // portions of this view.  We do not perform recursion or cache
         // access for hosts using this view.

         match-clients { any; };
         recursion no;
         additional-from-auth no;
         additional-from-cache no;

         zone "." in {
                 // Link in the root server hint file.
                 type hint;
                 file "";
         zone "" IN {
                 type slave;
                 file "";
                 masters {; };
                 allow-query { any; };
         zone "" IN {
                 type slave;
                 file "";
                 masters {; };
                 allow-query { any; };

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