allow-query and version.bind

Andris Kalnozols andris at
Thu Oct 14 22:39:03 UTC 2004

> ronan at wrote:
> >> But now access to the bind chaos pseudo-zone is not allowed:
> >> 
> >> $host -c chaos -t txt VERSION.BIND
> >> VERSION.BIND TXT record in class CH query refused
> >> $
> >> 
> >> How can I work around this? I do not want to restrict access to it.
> >
> >Create an actual zone for version.bind. (or bind.) with an
> >"allow-query { any; }" on it?
> Sure, this would work. But then I would have to update it after every
> upgrade. This would be very annoying, and I would probably forget to
> update the zone half the times.
> I can't believe there is no other way to do this...
> -- 
> ciao, |
> Marco | * The Internet is full. Go away.  -- Joel Furr *

Here's how we do this at HP Labs:


file `named.conf'
zone "bind" chaos {
        type master;
        file "db.bind";
        allow-query { authorized-nets; };
        notify no;
zone "localhost" {
        type master;
        file "db.localhost";
        notify no;

file `db.bind'
; This zone data file is present as a mechanism to restrict the ability
; to query for the version of BIND that is running on the localhost.
; Athough "security through obscurity" is not a robust policy, it's
; still required by the auditors to make the BIND version string a
; restricted item of information.  The appropriate ACLs in the BIND
; configuration file make the restriction possible.
; This method is better than the alternative of using the option to
; hardcode the version string in the BIND configuration file since no
; selective access control is possible with that method.
; NOTE: Make sure that this name server is also authoritative
;       for the appropriately-constructed "localhost" zone.
@       CHAOS   SOA     localhost.  root.localhost. (
                                        1       ; Serial
                                        3H      ; Refresh every 3 hours
                                        1H      ; Retry every hour
                                        1W      ; Expire after a week
                                        30M )   ; Negative cache interval
                NS      localhost.

; NOTE: There is no need to include the TXT record for 'version.bind.'
;       since it is automatically cached with the default version string
;       in the RDATA field when the nameserver is started.

file `db.localhost'
; Zone data file to stop queries for the absolute domain name
; `localhost.' from leaking to the Internet's root name servers.
; This generic but special domain name must be resolvable since
; it is defined in the DNS resource records for the following
; local zones:
;            CHAOS  bind.
@       IN      SOA     localhost.  root.localhost. (
                                        1       ; Serial
                                        3H      ; Refresh every 3 hours
                                        1H      ; Retry every hour
                                        1W      ; Expire after a week
                                        30M )   ; Negative cache interval
        IN      NS      localhost.

        IN      A
; NOTE: If the localhost is *not* listening on an IPv6 network
;       interface, leave the AAAA resource record commented out.
;       IN      AAAA    ::1


view "refuse_chaos" chaos {
  # The BIND name server defines an internal view called "_bind"
  # in which data for the following special queries are coded
  # directly into the `named' program:
  #   dig @localhost version.bind chaos txt +norec   # BIND version
  #   dig @localhost authors.bind chaos txt +norec   # BIND authors
  # The site auditing policy requires that the BIND name server
  # daemon not reveal it version information to outside parties.
  # Since the internal "_bind" view is matched last, this view
  # ("refuse_chaos") will match external queries for any RRs in
  # the CHAOS class and return a status code of REFUSED.
  match-clients { !authorized-nets;
  allow-query { none; };

  zone "." {                    # Since BIND wants every view to have a
        type hint;              # root hint zone, this declaration will
        file "/dev/null";       # stop a warning message in the syslog.

};      # end view "refuse_chaos"



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