Need to increase caching time

Stephane Bortzmeyer bortzmeyer at
Fri Aug 5 08:26:19 UTC 2005

[Stupid subject patched]

On Thu, Aug 04, 2005 at 12:57:05PM -0700,
 siliconmike <siliconmike at> wrote 
 a message of 13 lines which said:

> After I disconnect the network, I observe that names are cached for
> just a few minutes. Later those names are not resolvable, since
> their data is not available in the cache.

Well, if you are disconnected from the network, resolving the names is
not very important, no?

Anyway, the TTL (Time To Live) of the DNS data is controlled by the
authoritative servers, not by your caching BIND. The TTL depends on
the data. dig displays it.

Example with

~ % dig A
...          300     IN      CNAME
                        Five minutes (defined by the hostmaster of

If I run dig again, the response is cached and the new TTL appears:          263     IN      CNAME
> Is there a way to increase the period for which domain names are
> cached ?

Apparently, BIND allows to specify a maximum TTL but not a
minimum. Neither does it allow to increase the TTL.

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