zone begins with number

Jason Vas Dias jvdias at
Mon Aug 8 20:10:17 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-08-08 at 13:44, Phil Mansfield wrote:
> I currently run Bind 9 on my external dns servers.  I need to create a
> zone that begins with a number.  Unfortunately, Bind9 does not allow me
> to do this in the current configuration.  Upon attempting to create, I
> get a message that says "Poor DNS Name" and it lets me go no further.
> One need only go so far as <>  to see
> that you can in fact make them.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It sounds like you may be using an older version
of Red Hat system-config-bind, which I wrote.

This is the only DNS app I know to emit the message
'Poor DNS Name'.

If so, this problem is fixed with the current version,
which is available from:
and also from your Red Hat Fedora Core update channel -
RHEL-4 and RHEL-3 versions are also available.

The old version was attempting to WARN you about
lack of rfc952/1123 compliance, but incorrectly gave
you an ERROR. The new version has been upgraded to
allow rfc1123 names (leading digits) with no warnings,
and will still WARN about  names such as '', but
if you press 'OK' after the warning, it will allow you
to create the name.

If you have any issues with using system-config-bind,
please report them via Red Hat bugzilla at

Jason Vas Dias
Red Hat Inc.

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