queryperf syntax

kirkgbr kirkgbr at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 5 22:22:20 UTC 2005

Brad Knowles wrote:
> At 2:45 PM -0500 2005-07-05, Kirkb wrote:
>> what does "multiple iff limit given" mean?
> 	In scientific circles, "iff" usually means "if-and-only-if".
> 	This means that queryperf will run through the input multiple 
> times by default, if a limit is given.  Otherwise it will run through 
> the input only once.  If you wish to specify a limit *and* have 
> queryperf run through the input only once, you will then have to 
> specify a "-1" on the command-line.

Thanks Brad,

It makes much more sense now.  I did not realize that this "limit" was 
the same "limit" from the -l switch.

mucho appreciated.

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