Dynamic zone transfers - performance

/dev/rob0 rob0 at gmx.co.uk
Wed Jul 27 17:14:28 UTC 2005

John Horne wrote:
> ([OT] One problem: I mentioned to the MS DNS admin here that some of our
> DNS records have particular TTL values. I was told that MS DNS does not
> handle TTL values at all well but simply selects the lowest one in the
> zone and then sets all the records to that! If that is true, and the
> sort of thing that MS DNS does, then we may be taking a big step
> backwards here!)

I think that's a pretty safe rule of thumb: moving from Unix-based to 
MS-based solutions tends to be a step backwards (for all parties 
involved but MS.) :)

I run numerous small-business mail servers on Linux. I cannot imagine 
doing that without BIND running on the same machine, as spam-checking 
requires many DNS lookups. I heard some time back that MS Exchange does 
not work with a nameserver on the same machine! What a mess.
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