notify timed out/exceeded

Gamer philip.arns at
Fri Jul 29 06:19:45 UTC 2005

Hi John,
i already found the hint "ndd -set /dev/udp udp_recv_hiwa" but it
didn't help.. But i changed some settings:

on the master NS:

options {
transfer-out 20;

on the slaves:

server {
transfers 4;

Previously, I had transfer-out:40 and transfers:10 - maybe that was a
bit too much?! With the new settings no timeouts/exceeds occured in the
logs! But the question is:
How many slaves can be supported by a single Master Nameserver? Ok, it
depends on how many RR`s are dynamicly added to the Master Zonefiles
and hardware recources, I guess. But are there some known limits or
performance tests I can use to get some impressions?

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