Updating SOA with nsupdate

Florian Piekert floppy at floppy.org
Fri May 27 22:25:00 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1


I just recently subscribed to this list, so I am not aware if this question
has been asked before. Google was unsuccessful or I used the wrong keywords.


I am updating my zones to my dns (bind 9.3something) by using nsupdate (my
machine is connected by dsl and obtains dynamic ip addresses).

I would like to update not only the host information (addresses, mx, etc.),
but also the Serial of the zone itself, which is in the SOA record. Updating
the zone just with the host infos increments the SOA's serial by one I
noticed and after a few months you end up with quite a nice number for the
last two digits of the serial (like 2003040247). Since I don't get a new ip
each day, I would like to keep track of the updates, when they occured. The
question now is, what is the exact

update del
update add

line for nsupdate to achieve this? I have the to be used serial in variables
in the update bash script, so that information is available. What misses me
is the correct nsupdate command line formulation.

Perhaps somebody has had the same problem and might help me out.


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Florian Piekert                                           floppy at floppy.org

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