May I ask for your helps?

Jack of PC Home wdsjack at
Mon May 30 08:31:07 UTC 2005

Hi guys
May I ask for your helps? 

I am trying to setup a DNS server. My system information are listed below.

            REDHAT: 9.0
            LINUX KERNAL VERSION: 2.4.20-42.9.legacy
            BIND VERSION: bind-utils-9.2.1-16

After installing BIND, I tried to check if everything is running ok. So, I 
use "named -g" to check the system. Followings are the information 
I got
            Starting BIND 9.2.1 -g
            Using 1 CPU
            loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
            no IPv6 interface found
            listening on IPv4 interface lo,
            listening on IPv4 interface eth0,
            command channel listening on
            ignoring config file logging statement due to -g option
            Zone loaded serial 2005052301

Everything seemed to be running good. But, when I tried to start up
named by using "service named start". I got problem. The system did
not listen port #53. But, it showed "OK" after I ran "service named start".
I tried to restart the system but it did not solve this problem. 

I do not block port #53 and #953 by using iptables. Have you ever 
experienced this kind of problem? May I have your recommendations?


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