DNS Server

Philip Paeps philip+usenet at paeps.cx
Tue Oct 11 19:17:04 UTC 2005

Andy Pieters <x_terminat_or_3 at yahoo.fr> wrote:
> I once again would like some help.  There are tons and tons of materials
> regarding bind setup and I would just like one that explains step by step
> how to setup a primary name server for a toplevel domain.  I would like to
> have reverse dns as well as an MX record.

I can recommend Cricket Liu's ``DNS and BIND'' (O'Reilly).  In addition to
explaining the things you've listed, it also contains heaps of more advanced
information without becoming overly dense.

 - Philip

Philip Paeps                              Please don't email any replies
philip at paeps.cx                               I follow the newsgroup.

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