Query-log analysis

x_bind-users_x at nospam.pz.podzone.net x_bind-users_x at nospam.pz.podzone.net
Sat Dec 30 18:41:46 UTC 2006

On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 12:07:47PM +0100, someone wrote:
> Hi,
> how does your own script work on analysing queries on the bind 
> nameserver? I'm interested in such a thing as well.

Well I don't have a script, yet, not wanting to reinvent the wheel...

However, I did hack this command line together just to get a feel for

F=/var/log/bind/queries.log; sed 's/^.* query: \(.*\)$/\1/' $F | sort -u | while read X; do echo "$(cat
+$F | grep -hc "^.* ${X/./\.}\$"): $X"; done | sort -rn | less

And this is the config I'm using to get the log files in the first

logging {
        // NOTE: the log directory must be created manually:
        // mkdir /var/log/bind
        // chgrp bind /var/log/bind
        // chmod 2775 /var/log/bind
        // ls -ld /var/log/bind
        channel "queries_channel" {
                file "/var/log/bind/queries.log" versions 5 size 1m;
                severity info;
                print-time yes;
                print-category no;
                print-severity yes;
        category "queries" { "queries_channel"; };

Actually, if someone knows how to log queries one file per-zone, or
per-domain, that should suffice for my immediate needs.  But how do
others keep tabs on the domains they admin, or perhaps you don't care


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