dynamic DNS updates using nsupdate - which view is updated?

Per Jessen per at computer.org
Mon Jan 23 15:14:49 UTC 2006

Dave Clark wrote:

> If the updates are made locally, then the local zone is what would be
> updated.  More modern versions of BIND can accept a key in the address
> match list of a view.  That way if you want to update a local zone
> with the key 'key.local.zone' then you include 'key.local.zone' in
> your local view address match list.

I'm using bind 9.2.3.  Let me try to explain what's puzzling me:

I have view 1 and view 2 that both serve zone A (with different
zone-files).  Local hosts see view 1, externals hosts see view 1 or 2. 
What you're saying is that when I use nsupdate from a local host, view 1
is updated?  How would I go about updating view 2 using nsupdate?   

/Per Jessen, Zürich (-3.63 °C)

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