DNS and domains

levartze levartze at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 25 08:12:34 UTC 2006

I setup a system about 10 yrs ago with an inside (private) network and an 
outside (public) network and a firewall in between using bind4.  The inside 
and outside used the same domain with different IP's and neither could see 
the other because of the firewall.  I firewall has a pool of valid IP for 
NAT for those external requests from the inside.  At that time the network 
was quite small and since then has grown substantially (1500+ nodes).

I would like to try and change the inside network domain to a different one 
(i.e. change it from mydomain.net to mydomain.lan).  This way seems much 
cleaner and I'm trying to install a new nameserver with bind9, so the timing 
would be right for doing this.

Also, I have several subnets (i.e.,,,,...).
Should I have a separate sub-domain for each of these ?
(i.e. subnet_10_1.lan, subnet_10_2.lan, subnet_10_3.lan,...)

Is there any reference material dealing with kind of thing that someone 
could recommend?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


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