Net::DNS packet construction

Vishwas ivishwas at
Wed Aug 22 06:58:15 UTC 2007


Am using Net::DNS to generate & update DNS packets.

Please correct me in the following:
1. A typical DNS packet (query or response) over the internet has
following structure
    {IP {UDP {DNS {header, question, answer, authority, additional}}}}
    That is, outermost layer - IP: carrying packet from one host to
the other over the Internet -- let's say IP_data
     below IP layer - UDP: telling about the source and destination
ports -- let's say UDP_data
     innermost layer - DNS: real data that is useful for end hosts  --
let's say DNS_data

2. Net::DNS   allows to construct/modify DNS_data and to construct
UDP_data and IP_data sections of the packet one needs to use something
else [e.g., NetPAcket::UDP, NetPacket::IP]

3. Net::DNS::Resolver has some methods like srcport, port, srcaddr -
can they be of any help?

Best Regards,

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