how much ram is needed?????

jm jm at
Wed Oct 3 01:13:56 UTC 2007

On 10/03/2007 10:48 AM, Kevin Darcy wrote:
> Iñaki Martínez Díez wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  I have a bind 9.4.1 server in Debian Etch with more than 24.000 zones.
> How many records?
>>  The server has 2 Gb of RAM but i think is not enough.
> What makes you think that? On my Solaris 9 boxes, with 4Gb, hosting 
> about 5100 zones containing about 52,000 records, but which are also 
> performing recursive Internet DNS resolution (in a separate view of 
> course) for web/mail connectivity, etc., the "sar -r" command tells me 
> my freemem is stable and I'm basically not swapping at all. I'm not 
> familiar with the tools available on Debian, or how one would go about 
> interpreting their results, but there _must_ be a way to tell whether 
> you're in trouble memory-wise.  Perhaps you should ask on a Debian list.
"free -m" on linux. Or alternatively "cat /proc/meminfo"
>>  The zones are growing day by day.
>>  How much ram is needed for about 24.000 zones????
>>  Is there any formula to calculate this????
> In the days of BIND 8 I think some folks used a rule-of-thumb of 100 
> bytes/record. Don't know if that's valid any more for BIND 9.
> For us, it works out better economically to just buy "comfortably large" 
> boxes at every lease-refresh cycle, allowing for some growth. Trying to 
> micromanage our hardware resources, and to do incremental upgrades in 
> any reasonable timeframe (given our byzantine procurement processes) 
> just doesn't make sense for us. Your mileage may vary.
>                                     - Kevin

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