Questions regarding ipv6 and bind9

Ford, Michael at
Wed Oct 10 18:36:04 UTC 2007

Hello all,

My friend and I are messing around with ipv6 on BIND9.  We have created
the following zone file:




@              IN  SOA   @  root (

                         1   ; Serial

                         8H  ; Refresh

                         15M ; Retry

                         1W  ; Expire

                         1D) ; Minimum TTL

               IN   NS   @

               IN   AAAA    2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:a82e:0370:7344


And we have the following code snippet to test our dns server:


int main()



            ////////////////////// IPv6 ///////////////////////

            struct addrinfo *aInfo;

            char straddr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];


            struct sockaddr_in6 target;


            if(getaddrinfo("", NULL, NULL, &aInfo) != 0)




                        return 0;



            printf("aInfo->ai_addrlen is: %d\n", aInfo->ai_addrlen);


            memset((char *)&target, 0, sizeof(target));

            memcpy((char*)&target.sin6_addr, aInfo->ai_addr,


            printf("addrInfo = %s\n", inet_ntop(AF_INET6,
&target.sin6_addr, straddr, sizeof(straddr)));


            return 0;




However, when we run out code, we get the following output:


$ ./a.out

aInfo->ai_addrlen is: 28

addrInfo = a00::2001:db8:85a3:8d3


I have no problem with cutting off the leading zeros, but what is the
a00:: doing in front of the ip address, and why is the full ip address
not being printed?



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