DNSSEC in Windows / BIND DNS Environment

Danny Mayer mayer at gis.net
Mon Aug 25 04:14:37 UTC 2008

Phillip wrote:
> Looks as if its only a matter of time before we have to implement
> dnssec where I work.  Our network uses protected Windows servers (we
> use Windows DNS not BIND on Windows) as the masters and the zones are
> slaved to BIND servers on our DMZ.  I was reading that Windows 2003
> does not fully support dnssec.  Has anyone else run into this problem
> or use a similar DNS configuration.
> I would appreciate any input,  I have about 8 tabs open reading about
> this.

I can't answer for Microsoft's implementation, but you should have no
trouble implementing DNSSEC running BIND on Windows. You would probably
have to upgrade to Windows 2008 to get full DNSSEC support though I
haven't read the docs on Windows 2008. You should contact Microsoft or
one of their forums for a proper answer since this is the BIND newsgroup.


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