Time to add IPv6 glue for your dual stack servers.

Chris Thompson cet1 at hermes.cam.ac.uk
Wed Feb 6 12:33:20 UTC 2008

On Feb 6 2008, Mark Andrews wrote:

>	With the addition of IPv6 to the root it is time to see if
>	you have a IPv6 clear path to your zones.  A simple way to
>	check is to run a recursive nameserver in IPv6 only mode
>	and querying it.
>	dig +bufsize=1200 ns . @a.root-servers.net > root-hints
>	test.named.conf:
>	options {
>		listen-on-v6 { ::1; };
>		allow-query { ::1; };
>	};

>	zone "." {
>		type hint;
>		file "root-hints";
>	};
>	named -6 -c test.named.conf
>	dig @::1 soa <zone>

It would be useful if 

   dig -6 +trace <something in the zone>

could be made to give this information. As of 9.4.2, its choice of
NS record at each level isn't influenced by whether it actually has 
any AAAA records. So you may prove you do have IPv6 connectivity
from the root this way, but you can also get false negatives.

Chris Thompson
Email: cet1 at cam.ac.uk

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