bind port problems

Richard bind_list at
Sun Jan 27 09:27:24 UTC 2008


I'm trying to set up a secondary name serveur, on a server managed with 
plesk and behind a firewall with port 53 TCP and UDP open but I cannot 
manage to get a successfull zone transfer.

This is what I het in my syslog :

Jan 27 07:35:07 Serv1 named[4000]: client zone 
transfer '' denied

 From what I understand from this message is that it failed to do a zone 
tranfer on on port 59962 so normal it is denied as firwall 
blocks this port.
However in my /etc/named.conf I've got :

query-source address * port 53;

I've done a /etc/init.d/bind9 reload

And have waited for over 24 hours. And it still looks up on the wrond 
port. Any ideas where this error could come from?

I've alse added to my ACL list in Plesk so this server 
should not be blocked.

Is the wrong port a problem on my side or is it a setting on the 
secondary name server?

Thanks in advance for any advice, and if you need to see more of my 
settings please let me know.

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