Dig for CygWin?

Danny Mayer mayer at gis.net
Fri Jul 11 03:29:27 UTC 2008

Kyle McDonald wrote:
> Does such a thing exist?
> I was looking to do some debugging, on a machine that had cygwin 
> installed, and was surprised when I reran the installer, and there 
> wasn't a 'dig', 'nslookup', or even 'bind' package in the listing.
> I suppose I could use the Windows bind package though huh? I didn't 
> think of that, since I was really only looking for the client side tools.
>    -Kyle

You can just use the tools out of the bind binary package. You don't
need to run a server. You will need most of the DLLs along with dig,
host or nslookup.


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