Reading Bind Statistics via SNMP with SELinux in force

Bob Roswell broswell at
Tue Jul 29 00:55:56 UTC 2008

I upgraded our DNS servers as recommended, and my new servers use

If I turn off the SELinux (setenforce Permissive) then my exec command
in snmpd.conf works as expected.

(I'm following the procedure at



With SELinux enabled, rndc can't write to the statistics file, nor can I
read from the existing file when I run through the snmpd process.


How can I either put the statistics file outside of SELinux control, or
modify the SELinux permissions so that I can read and write the
statistics file via snmpd?

Any clues are appreciated!


Bob Roswell

System Source

broswell at

(410) 771-5544 ext 4336


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