Some domains don't resolve.

Danny Mayer mayer at
Mon Jun 2 11:24:09 UTC 2008

Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> On 01.06.08 17:47, Danny Mayer wrote:
>> Don't use forwarders at all. They are not necessary and makes you 
>> dependent on someone else's DNS. It's rarely necessary anyway and 
>> provides you with no real benefits. It's surprising the number of people 
>> who think that this is of benefit to them.
> the forwarder of an ISP can have a huge cache which can speed up resolving
> of frewquently used names. It also can have configured local reverse and
> direct domains that speeds up their resolution.
> It can also have local RFC 1918 and RFC 3333 (and possibly other) reverse zones that may speed up
> resolution of those, since there still are many of DNS servers that do not
> have them configured.
> It's surprising the numbers of people who think that this is not benefit to
> them....
> </youknowwhat>

The surprise is the number of people who believe what has now become
something of an urban legend. This is NOT true. If it's so frequently
used you would have it in your own cache. If it's not in cache it takes
less time to fetch it directly than asking your ISP and finding that
it's not there either and having it fetch it and return it to you. I'm
not sure where you think that reverse or other domains come into it,
it's all the same.


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