slave zone header in bind8

Chris Thompson cet1 at
Mon Sep 21 21:25:21 UTC 2009

On Sep 21 2009, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

>IIRC, slave zones transferred to BIND8 had header that informed us when was
>the zone transferred and from where.
>Do I remember correctly?


>                         If so, when was this feature removed

It has never been in BIND 9.

>                                                              and why?

I can't speak for ISC, but incoming zone transfers are organised quite
differently in BIND 9. And what about incremental zone transfers, when
different parts of the zone may have been fetched from different sources
at different times?

Using the xfer-in (level info) log entries is probably your best substitute.

Chris Thompson
Email: cet1 at

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