dig +trace to find all the forwarders?

Josh Kuo josh.kuo at gmail.com
Sun Apr 25 03:12:59 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I am trying to trace a recursive outbound query. My workstation is
configured to point to the forwarder/resolver, which is a
dedicated forwarder that is configured to forward all DNS queries to the
ISP's DNS resolver. Sometimes I get name resolution failures, and I want to
know if it is the ISP's DNS resolver is forwarding recursive queries to yet
another server... when using 'dig example.com +trace', it only shows the
recursive lookup starting at the root domain, instead of showing from my -> ISP -> ? -> root name servers.

Is there any way to discover all the forwarders/resolvers along the way
before my query hits one of the root name servers? Or is that an impossible
feat unless I have administrative access to each of the resolvers/forwarders
to look at its configuration?

Thanks in advance.

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