ACL for forward zone

Prabhat Rana prana9533 at
Mon Jul 12 18:24:03 UTC 2010

Hello all,
I have BIND 9.7.1 installed in Solaris 10. I need to use a forwarder for a certain internal private IP zone to a certain internal DNS severs. In the meantime I need to use certain ACL so that it would forward the queries and reply to them only from certain IP address clients. So I used the following conifgs in named.conf

acl "Internal" {

zone "" in {
        type forward;
        forwarders {;; };
        allow-query { "Internal"; };

However  it appears I can't use 'allow query' option in forward zone as seen in the syslog
/etc/named.conf:102: option 'allow-query' is not allowed in 'forward' zone ''

Basically you know what I'm trying to achieve. So if anyone has any tip how can I use forward from the clients only within certain IP address range, that would be great.



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