Can't get BIND to use GSSAPI from /usr/local

John Marshall john at
Fri Jun 11 09:51:27 UTC 2010

  BIND 9.7.1rc1

I've just stepped into the world of nsupdate (instead of doing the
freeze/edit/thaw dance).  I have had success using TSIG (nsupdate -k)
but I would like to use TKEY-GSS (nsupdate -g).  When I try to do that,
nsupdate dumps core.

  $ /usr/bin/nsupdate -g -d
  > prereq nxdomain
  Reply from SOA query:
  --------< snip >--------
  Found zone name:
  The master is:
  nsupdate: Failed to generate random block
  Abort trap (core dumped)

I suspect the operating system at this point but want to build BIND
against separate gssapi_krb5 and OpenSSL libraries in order to isolate
the problem.

Telling configure --with-openssl=/usr/local does the trick for OpenSSL.
Telling configure --with-gssapi=/usr/local makes all the right kind of
impressions on config.log, but the linker still ends up using the
operating system's gssapi libraries under /usr/lib.  Is there something
else I need to do to nudge BIND in the direction of libgssapi_krb5 in
/usr/local ?

Until now I've never built BIND with gssapi, so I'm prepared to be told
I've missed something basic.

Thank you.

John Marshall

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