multiple options{} statements in bind config

Cathy Almond cathya at
Mon Mar 1 15:25:04 UTC 2010

Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm updating my configurations for our bind server farm.
> previously I was using multiple versions of named.conf with different
> values for statemennts that need to be different (listen-on, notify etc).
> I would now like to have one main config that would include small files
> containing those statements.
> Since listen-on and notify are in options statement; while statistics-channel
> is a statement of its own, I would like to know, if it's possible to define
> multiple options {} statements or do I have to include two files.

No - you can only have one options {}; statement

> Another question is, can I use master {} as ACL or do I have to define
> the same IP sets in masters {} and acl {}. Can they at least have the same
> names?

I can see what you're thinking if you have only a straightforward list
of IP addresses in your ACL, but no, this won't work because
fundamentally the usage/syntax is not the same for both.  A masters list
is a list of hosts (by IP address) that a slave server might contact to
refresh a zone whereas an ACL is used for matching purposes (with a
whole bunch of special syntax options).

I believe that you would be able to use the same name twice - once as an
ACL and once as a masters_list, but it has the potential to cause
confusion to anyone else reading or updating the configuration.  But you
should do what's best for your implementation.

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