Dealing with "unexpected RCODE (SERVFAIL)"

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Tue Mar 16 09:07:09 UTC 2010

On 16.03.10 09:45, Ruben Laban wrote:
> In my logs I see numerous line like these:
> Mar 16 04:59:13 mx02 named[4606]: unexpected RCODE (SERVFAIL) 
> resolving '':
> Mar 16 04:59:14 mx02 named[4606]: unexpected RCODE (SERVFAIL) 
> resolving '':
> Mar 16 04:59:15 mx02 named[4606]: unexpected RCODE (SERVFAIL) 
> resolving '':
> The hostname that's being tried to resolve obviously has a typo in it, users 
> tend to make such mistakes a lot.
> In our case mx02 runs it own caching nameserver, which uses our internal 
> caching nameservers (10,[012].1.3) as forwarders.
> Is there something I can change in the configuration of either (or both) mx02 
> or 10.[012].1.3 to prevent "the unexpected"?

the microsoft's nameservers are providing only A and TXT records for They return ". IN SOA (NOERROR)" for other questions.
This is apparently invalid and causes the SERVFAIL.

seems it's time to blame microsoft.

> Is it safe to ignore these error completely (either in our filters or in 
> bind's configuration)? I'm a bit hesitant to do so, since I got the feeling 
> that I might miss out on actual problems occuring (other than users not being 
> able to spell).

you can ignore it or set up own empty version of Or, fill bug
in their reporting system.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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