Hello, problems with BInd 9.x in windows 2003 and 2000

Albert Molina amolina at atlasit.com
Tue Mar 30 16:07:14 UTC 2010


First, Sorry for my english.

I have a tho servers with Bind 9.7 and 9.3, but i activated the 
recursive and log show this errors:

30-mar-2010 17:55:37.092 general: error: .\socket.c:2444: unexpected error:
30-mar-2010 17:55:37.092 general: error: SOCKET_RECV: Windows error 
code: 1236, returning ISC error 54
30-mar-2010 17:56:39.560 general: error: .\socket.c:2408: unexpected error:
30-mar-2010 17:56:39.560 general: error: unable to convert errno to 
isc_result: 1214: The format of the specified network name is invalid.

30-mar-2010 17:56:40.373 general: error: .\socket.c:2408: unexpected error:
30-mar-2010 17:56:40.373 general: error: unable to convert errno to 
isc_result: 1214: The format of the specified network name is invalid.

30-mar-2010 17:56:41.029 general: error: .\socket.c:2408: unexpected error:
30-mar-2010 17:56:41.029 general: error: unable to convert errno to 
isc_result: 1214: The format of the specified network name is invalid.

30-mar-2010 17:56:41.029 general: error: .\socket.c:2408: unexpected error:
30-mar-2010 17:56:41.029 general: error: unable to convert errno to 
isc_result: 1214: The format of the specified network name is invalid.

30-mar-2010 17:56:41.185 general: error: .\socket.c:2408: unexpected error:
30-mar-2010 17:56:41.185 general: error: unable to convert errno to 
isc_result: 1214: The format of the specified network name is invalid.

And continue...

I search in google and bind mailing, but i not find any person with this 

Any idea?



Albert Molina
Platform Maintenance Manager

amolina at atlasit.com

Atlas Information Technology

Balmes, 114, 5ª-6ª Planta
08008 Barcelona
Tel.: +34 93 445 24 61
Fax: +34 93 445 21 45

info at atlasit.com
24/7: +34 93 445 24 07
24/7 (ES): 902 887 348

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