bind9.7.1 Reload Fails with Permission Denied.

Martin McCormick martin at
Wed Oct 20 11:19:17 UTC 2010

	A new installation of bind9.7.1P2 is otherwise running
properly and the only reason why I am asking this question is
that I am not sure how to determine which file or directory has
the wrong ownership or permissions. I got the same error when
running the command:

rndc -c /usr/local/etc/rndc.conf stats

but was able to correct that by touching named.stats in
/named/var/named/stats and then making it owned by bind.

	Can one do a global check on the whole tree to point out
which files or directories have the wrong ownership?

	This installation is a production name server so I can
basically do anything as long as it doesn't shut the system

	rndc -c /usr/local/etc/rndc.conf status

reports everything clean and green. I do a reload every night at
Midnight to restart the logs which die after newsyslog rolls
them over.

Thanks for all constructive ideas.

Martin McCormick

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