lost records in a view

pyh at mail.nsbeta.info pyh at mail.nsbeta.info
Mon Jan 24 12:23:41 UTC 2011


Given I have 3 views, va,vb and vc, vc is the default (matches any client). 

There are three records in va and vc: 

s1.example.com.  IN A
s2.example.com.  IN A
s3.example.com.  IN A 

But there is a record lost in vb, say it's s2.example.com. 

I want the result that, when clients matching vb query for s2.example.com, 
they will get the answer from default view vc, since s2.example.com doesn't 
exist in vb. 

How to setup bind for this purpose? 

Thanks a lot. 


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