root hints

Jack Tavares j.tavares at
Fri Jan 28 23:39:13 UTC 2011

> On 28/01/2011 21:10, Jack Tavares wrote:
> > I have a question about the hints file.
> >
> > It is "built in" to BIND.
> >
> > Does bind check for updates to this periodically?
> > If so, where does it get it from ?
> > I assume it gets it from
> > Does bind contain a hardcode for that IP address?
> > or does it use the existing hints to find the address
> > of "" and then download a new
> Hi Jack,
> BIND has a built-in copy of the root server hints file. However, each
> time it starts up, it sends a query to the root servers to get an up to
> date copy of the root servers and their addresses. This is called a
> "priming query". The priming query is repeated periodically to ensure
> that BIND has a fresh copy.
> Regards,
> Anand Buddhdev

That is what I thought happened, but I was told otherwise, so I wanted to verify.

Thank you.

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