Convice Bind to listen on IP alias with a range of IPs.

Jeremy C. Reed jreed at
Mon Apr 30 23:02:39 UTC 2012

On Mon, 30 Apr 2012, Augie Schwer wrote:

> I must be doing something wrong, because what I want to do doesn't
> seem that difficult.
> I have a range of IPs bound to a local interface:
> lo:1      Link encap:Local Loopback
>           inet addr:  Mask:
> And I want to convince Bind to listen on sub-set of the given range (
> for example ), yet when I configure that IP:
> 	listen-on {; };
> Bind won't listen on that interface:
> "named[15035]: not listening on any interfaces"
> Bind has no problem listening on however, so there must be
> some configuration option I am missing.
> Any help is appreciated.
> augie at augnix:~$ named -v
> BIND 9.7.0-P1

Your interface output above doesn't show the other IP.

Maybe you need to run something like:

ifconfig lo:1 up

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