No subject

Tue Apr 2 00:56:56 UTC 2013

   Name Checking

     The server can check domain names based upon their expected client con-
     texts.  For example, a domain name used as a hostname can be checked for
     compliance with the RFCs defining valid hostnames.

     Three checking methods are available:

       No checking is done.

       Names are checked against their expected client contexts.  Invalid
       names are logged, but processing continues normally.

       Names are checked against their expected client contexts.  Invalid
       names are logged, and the offending data is rejected.

     The server can check names three areas: master zone files, slave zone
     files, and in responses to queries the server has initiated.  If check-
     names response fail has been specified, and answering the client's ques-
     tion would require sending an invalid name to the client, the server will
     send a REFUSED response code to the client.

     The defaults are:

         check-names master fail;
         check-names slave warn;
         check-names response ignore;

     check-names may also be specified in the zone statement, in which case it
     overrides the options check-names statement.  When used in a zone state-
     ment, the area is not specified (because it can be deduced from the zone

Joe Yao				jsdy at - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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