RRL probably not useful for DNS IP blacklists, was Re: New Versions of BIND are available (9.9.4, 9.8.6, and 9.6-ESV-R10)

Tony Finch dot at dotat.at
Mon Sep 23 18:24:57 UTC 2013

Simon Forster <forster at spamteq.com> wrote:
> As a matter of interest, if one had a DNSBL with 5.5 million entries
> (i.e. 5.5 million IPs):
> 1) What needs to be done to rewrite that to a BIND zone?
> 2) What sort of machine would be required to load that zone?
> 3) How long would it take to load into BIND?

I did a quick test. Generating and parsing the zone in text format took
about 80s wall time; loading the raw zone file took 30s. In both cases
named-checkzone used about 1.25GB RAM.

I don't have enough RAM on this machine to run dnssec-signzone in a
reasonable length of time - it goes into swap death after 3GB.

perl -e 'use Crypt::OpenSSL::Random;
	print "x.dotat.at. 3600 in soa black.dotat.at. dot.dotat.at. 1 1h 1h 1w 1m\n";
	print "x.dotat.at. 3600 in ns black.dotat.at.\n";
	printf "%s.x.dotat.at 3600 IN A\n",
		join ".", unpack "C4",
		for (1..5500000);
	' |
named-compilezone -i local -k warn -n warn -Fraw -o x.dotat.at x.dotat.at /dev/stdin

named-checkzone -i local -k warn -n warn -fraw x.dotat.at x.dotat.at

f.anthony.n.finch  <dot at dotat.at>  http://dotat.at/
Forties, Cromarty: East, veering southeast, 4 or 5, occasionally 6 at first.
Rough, becoming slight or moderate. Showers, rain at first. Moderate or good,
occasionally poor at first.

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