Clients Matching Multiple Views

Doug Barton dougb at
Fri Apr 11 18:27:17 UTC 2014

On 04/11/2014 10:59 AM, John Wobus wrote:

> My understanding has been that two views that are masters for
> a zone can safely share a zone file if the zone isn't dynamic (e.g.
> dnsupdate, dnssec auto signing, etc), but that two views of
> a slave zone shouldn't do that: you could have two
> different views independently rewriting the same file, a bad thing even
> if the files are known to be identical.  Furthermore, allowing that could
> conceivably show no problems very much of the time, masking the actual
> risk.

You are correct. Include statements that reference the common data 
between the zones on the master has been the canonical way to handle 
this situation since day 1.


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