Digging to the final IP

LuKreme kremels at kreme.com
Wed Oct 22 04:08:02 UTC 2014

> On 21 Oct 2014, at 19:20 , Dave Knight <dave at knig.ht> wrote:
> $ dig +noall +answer dave.knig.ht in a | egrep 'IN\tA\t' | cut -f6

Interesting. This works for me:

dig +noall +answer home.kreme.com in a | egrep '\tA' | cut -f5

but on your example, it requires -f6

And yet, the outputs appear to have the same number of fields.

 $ dig +noall +answer www.kreme.com in a 
www.kreme.com.		21139	IN	CNAME	cerebus.kreme.com.
cerebus.kreme.com.	21141	IN	A
 $ dig +noall +answer dave.knig.ht in a 
dave.knig.ht.		13916	IN	CNAME	sb.sanxion.org.
sb.sanxion.org.		222	IN	A

Very odd.

I use:

 $ dig +short $HOSTNAME | tail -1

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