Order and Preference Priority in DNS Responses

Harshith Mulky harshith.mulky at outlook.com
Mon Aug 3 11:38:50 UTC 2015

I wanted to understand how Order and Preference Values have an impact on the answers Received from the DNS Server

I am asking because, I have 4 records for NAPTR Query, as below

carrier1.com 86400 IN NAPTR   50     50    “s”   “SIPS+D2T”  ““    “_sips._tcp.carrier1.com.”
carrier1.com 86400 IN NAPTR   90     50    “s”   “SIP+D2T”    ““      “_sip._tcp.carrier1.com.”
carrier1.com 86400 IN NAPTR 100   100   “s”  “SIP+D2U”  ““     “_sip._udp.carrier1.com.”
carrier1.com 86400 IN NAPTR 120    100   “s”  “SIPS+D2U”   ““    “_sip._tcp.carrier1.com.”

I am expecting to receive the answer as _sip._udp.carrier1.com but i receive _sip._tcp.carrier1.com

How could I change this?

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