Log output questions

Dimitri Yioulos dyioulos at netatlantic.com
Fri Aug 7 19:48:45 UTC 2015

Hello, all.

I'm pretty new to BIND, and am tasked with monitoring several BIND server.  A script is in place that runs hourly, via cron, looking for any anomalies in named.log.  Here's the essence of the script:

grep -i -E ': error: '|grep -i -E -v 'view external: update |view external: zone transfer|socket.c:5268: unexpected error:|connect(fe80::#53) 22/Invalid argument|unable to convert errno to isc_result: 92: Protocol not available|socket.c:1700: unexpected error:|errno2result.c:110: unexpected error:|22/Invalid argument|socket.c:4381: unexpected error:|socket.c:1890: unexpected error:'

Two "alerts" that I see from time-to-time are:

07-Aug-2015 12:22:15.313 general: error: socket.c:5284: unexpected error:


06-Aug-2015 09:29:01.616 general: error: zone somedomain.com/IN/internal: has 0 SOA records

I have absolutely no idea what these mean, and would appreciate your help to determine what they are, if they're anything to be concerned about and, if so, how to remediate.

Many thanks.



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