Is there a way to turn off EDNS Responses from Server globally for all the endpoints

Harshith Mulky harshith.mulky at
Thu Sep 29 06:39:26 UTC 2016

Hello Experts,

I have installed Bind with version: bind-9.9.5P1-2.2.2.x86_64

I have tried these Options on the server to turn off EDNS globally to all the servers in the network we have configured

server { edns no; };
server ::/0 { edns no; };

But I see the DNS Server is sending response with OPT RR

Is there a way to turn edns off?

Before anybody asks, why would I need to turn off EDNS, this is to verify the client falling back to TCP in case EDNS is not supported on server, and the server has to send response > 512 bytes, and the client falls back to TCP and queries the server

Appreciate any help

Thanks in advance

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