Bind failing to start on new 9.9.4 server

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Thu Feb 9 14:51:57 UTC 2017

Am 09.02.2017 um 15:44 schrieb Robert Moskowitz:
> On 02/09/2017 09:31 AM, Ray Bellis wrote:
>> On 09/02/2017 14:28, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>> I am migrating to Centos7 from Centos6.  Going from Bind 9.8.2 to 9.9.4,
>>> I am building this on a new server.  I currently do not have DNSSEC
>>> enabled, and not enabling it for the initial migration work.
>>> I have looked over changes in named.conf and believe I have made the
>>> necessary changes.  My named.conf is  loading as are the zone files.
>>> This is what 'systemctl -l status named' shows:
>> I'd suggest that you try starting named manually with the '-g' flag so
>> that it sends all output to stderr without forking.
>> This should hopefully reveal why it's failing to start.
> Since I use systemctl to start the service, I would have to do some
> digging to figure out something like this that i haven't done in a
> couple decades.  :)

systemd typically is catching stdout and sterr and forward it to the 
journal and when that don't echo out errors starting named by hand is easy

just take the "ExecStart" line, look in the environment file which 
defines $OPTIONS, add them and finally -g and press enter

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