about source code

Yao HEALTH healthyao at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 15 07:31:11 UTC 2017

In Socket.c, there are many "manager->nevents" 
for an example, manager->nevents = ISC_SOCKET_MAXEVENTS; 
but the manager is defined in "isc_socketmgr_t *manager "
typedef struct isc_socketmgr isc_socketmgr_t; /*%< Socket Manager */ 
struct isc_socketmgr {
/* Not locked. */
unsigned int magic;
isc_mem_t        *mctx;
isc_mutex_t lock;
/* Locked by manager lock. */
ISC_LIST(isc_socket_t) socklist;
isc_boolean_t bShutdown;
isc_condition_t shutdown_ok;
HANDLE hIoCompletionPort;
int maxIOCPThreads;
 * Debugging.
 * Modified by InterlockedIncrement() and InterlockedDecrement()
LONG totalSockets;
LONG iocp_total;
my question is that there seems no definition of "nevents" in the struct of isc_socketmgr, where is "nevents"  when we use "manager->nevents"?
Can some expert kindly help where I miss?
thanks a lot.
Jiankang Yao

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